Monday, May 31, 2010

Maple Eyes Galore! (Plus some other stuff)

Hi, Peeps! I've done a LOT of work on Maple Eyes in the past day. For starters, I made a 4-extra song Maple Eyes Deluxe. Then I put effort on Maple Eyes 2. Now, I'm almost done Maple Eyes 2.5. I'll give you the songs to all of the albums:

Maple Eyes Deluxe Bonus Tracks:
The Waves of Florida
The Clock on the Wall
The Typewriter
I wish you could come

Maple Eyes 2:
Rock It
In Your Ears
Heavy Singles

Now Maple Eyes 2.5!
Call All about it
You lost it
Together in Orlando

Thats all I have so far, but I'll give you lyrics to a song in an Album I'm working on!
The song is called, Hello Texas

Hello Texas, I am a western cave. Wishing that you would give me much more pave.
Hello Texas, I am an old cactus. Feeling new, with your mold. It helps me not be cold.
Hello Texas, I am your capitol building. Sitting around, watching people come and go away.
Hello Texas, We are your basketball team. Winning all of our games for you. I hope you can appreciate all we do for you.
Bonjour Texas, I am a French King. On vacation, relaxing in the desert sand.
Help me get old
While I am being so darn cold
In all of the mold
That must be sold
Even though it isn't bold. old, old.

How do you like it? I'm done with the album, but I'm not telling you until later.
Comment if you like, Hello Texas

--The Owls

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