Sunday, May 30, 2010

Maple Eyes is Done!

Hey, whats up? I finished Maple Eyes this morning! Its a 12-Song Album. The songs aren't that bad...

I'll give you lyrics, and you tell me if you like them or not!

Here are my songs:
Set The Table
Own MacDonald
Holding On
My Frantic why Life
Video Games
Toilet Toys
Making it Out-Remix
Canyon-2009 Version
Rule it

Here are lyrics to Rule it:

Its time to get a life. Do it by jumping off a cliff. You will rule it. Totally rule it. Rule anything that occurs to you. Try Mongolia. For it is the smallest population country. I've done it. Genghis Khan has, too. I got it. Rule the world. My life isn't telling you what to do. Rule Texas. Its nice and good to start with. Oh say, you want to take the cliff idea? Fine. I'll go and rule the Milky Way. Got to go for the gold by ruling Canada. Or China or India. Russia is the big one to rule. I will try. yes I totally will. Oh yeah. I will. Its true!!! We won. I rule it. Oh yeah! We got the million!

Hey, Its fine, right? Whats so bad about it? Comment if you like the song. I'll release it to the public in a few days or weeks. Hope you can comment!!!

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